RALLUS allows you to monitor your development programs in real time.
The availability of reliable, accurate and timely data provides real-time visibility into program progress, allowing for rapid feedback and timely corrective action. RALLUS has been developed by development experts with over 15 years of monitoring and evaluation experience.

RALLUS covers the complete cycle of monitoring and reporting of impacts.
Don’t waste time with spreadsheets, database services, third-party surveys, and ad-hoc reports. RALLUS covers the entire process of monitoring and reporting from end to end in a single system, starting from the logical framework or theory of change, data collection in the field and impact reports.
RALLUS allows you to save time, stress and effort.
RALLUS is friendly and easy to use. You can flexibly self-manage your monitoring system, receive alerts from the indicator dashboard, create forms to collect data in the field, manage your database and create updated reports in one click when you need them. The RALLUS mobile app for data collection is easy to use even for users with limited experience using mobile tools.

RALLUS facilitates results-based management.
RALLUS allows to define indicators to establish baselines and establish frequency of measurement and objectives for results and impact frameworks. So you can measure and record inputs, activities, products, results and impact. The key benefit is providing visibility into program progress, providing the ability for rapid feedback and timely corrective actions.
RALLUS is aligned with international data standards.
RALLUS supports international data and indicator standards – such as SDGs (UN Sustainable Development Goals), IRIS + (Global Impact Investing Network), Impact Management Project (IMP), among others, so you can create reports that align with multiple frameworks reports at a time.